Friday, March 14, 2008

This week

Well, it's been crazy!! Aleah was sick on Sunday and only got worse. Then I got it. Yuck!! It seems to be the flu that is going around (Stuffy head, aches, fever and a cough it is sooo much fun). We are both feeling better, though Aleah is doing better than me. We have been coped up (the girls and I) all week. Afraid to pass this on to someone else and Douglas had to take the truck in so he was driving the van. The truck blew a gasket or something. Thankfully it is still under warranty.

Last night Vanessa and Deven had a choir concert. Vanessa's group sang Phantom of the Opera and Deven's group sang Sound of Music. Both groups did very well.

Breanna's preschool Easter party was this morning at the park. Wow, was it windy. Blew cups and baskets clean off the table. They seemed to have a good time though. Aleah was stung by a bee but it didn't stop her from playing. She's one tough girl!

The kids all got out early to start their spring break out right. So there home driving me nuts :)

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